
Throughout the year tantric workshops for singles and couples, are organized in order to receive an effective monitoring and achieve a quick learning of the various tantric massage techniques.
Both workshops might be reserved according to mutual needs and availability. They consist of three theoretical and practical classes of two hours each class.


- Individual workshop € 250,00

- Workshop for couples € 150,00 each person

Tantric Weeks

Tantric weeks are a good opportunity to deepen your knowledge of tantra, staying in the structure and being able to comfortably attend tantric massage courses, alternating lessons with massage sessions.

- double single use € 750.00
- double € 580.00 per person

The price includes: - 7 nights (overnight only) in a double room + 1 workshop (3 lessons of 2 hours) to choose between "Genital massage or Anal / Prostatic massage) + 2 S.E.X. massages of 90 minutes or 2 massages for Couples.